Orthodontics, Szeged (Dentistry) 2 clinics' services (198 Dentist, 192 Orthodontist, 192 Dental technician, 191 Dental assistant, 192 Oral surgeon)
Description, questions
The purpose of orthodontics beyond the creation of beautiful and aesthetically pleasing smile is that the teeth to function properly, the patient is able to chew, swallow, speak clearly. During orthodontic treatment fogtorlódások abnormal situation of the teeth inclined, gaps between the teeth and the jaws, which are both important role good bite and the clean speech achieve. The most common types: fixed (external), internal (invisible lingual) and removed (at night).
Fehér Dent Esztétikai fogászat
Dentist Proctologist Vascular surgeon Orthodontist Surgeon Heart surgeon Dental technician Dental assistant Oral surgeon
6726 Szeged, Fülemüle u. 22.