Internal medicine, Szeged 6 clinic (435 Internist, 399 Gastroenterologist, 394 Dietetic, 398 Cardiologist, 398 Nephrologist, 401 Oncologist, 403 Pulmonologist, 394 Diabetologist)
Description, questionsColonoscopy, Colonoscopy, Szeged
The colonoscopy (colonoscopy): intestinal overview of a flexible, useful in imaging, said tubular means.
Angiography, Szeged
Angiography for studying the vascular procedure, which takes various forms, depending on the arterial, venous or lymphatic systems want to observe the specialist (arteriography phlebográfia, lymphográfia).
Doppler, Szeged
In Doppler ultrasound examination of the vessels to be examined information obtained Jerold diameter, szűkületekről possible, which may cause deposits or optionally with a blood clot in the artery wall. Data flow anomalies can also be obtained. It is possible to examine blood vessels running in the extremities, as well as running the abdomen and neck blood vessels Doppler ultrasound is often tested with.
Endocrinological Examination, Szeged
Endocrinology special branch of internal medicine that deals with diseases of the endocrine glands. The endocrine system is the most important task of regulating physiological processes in the body, functioning sex glands, cells of energy metabolism, control of bone metabolism and also help ensure the stability of the internal environment and hormones.
Oncology Trials, Szeged
Oncology benign and malignant tumors diagnosis and treatment of medical disciplines, consisting of a number of specialized directions, because the tumors can affect almost any organ in the body.
Cardiogram, Szeged
During ECG heart we infer the state through the heart's electrical activity. It gathers together called limb and chest electrodes electrical signals in the ECG machine.
Cardiological Test, Szeged
The cardiac examination at the patient's physical condition after survey, a review of previous illness, family illness, the ECG is made complaints questioning.
Gastroenterology Consultation, Examination, Szeged
The gastroenterology deals digestive diseases, it includes the esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine, liver, gall bladder disease, and pancreas. The physician orders tests to detect diseases of the digestive tract.
Cardiac Ultrasound, Echocardiography, Szeged
In cardiac ultrasound (Echocardiography) test is carried out during the examination of the heart function. Thanks to the cardiac ultrasound device has the smallest structural differences can also be identified.
Stomach Mirror, Gastroszkópia, Szeged
The esophagus, stomach and duodenum legkorszerűebb test method. The esophageal reflux disease, gastric and duodenal ulcers, primarily the method of choice, as well as the esophagus, stomach cancer and precancerous ended.